Frequently Asked Questions

Contact SHS for an ADHD consultation to determine if your case is appropriate for our clinic. Student Health Services has partnered with Compass to provide ADHD screening, medication management and support services to those student with ADHD. 

The Federal Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) permits physicians to write 3, 30-day scripts for stimulant medication, provided each has a “do not fill until” date.  This 90-day strategy is then renewed over academic breaks (e.g., Thanksgiving, Spring Break). 

Student Health Services may be able to write a limited supply for students who run short of medication.  This requires a medical evaluation and possible psychological screening.

ADHD medications are Schedule II narcotics and cannot be shared, sold, or otherwise distributed without potential for criminal prosecution.  These substances are stolen and abused on college campuses.  You must take active efforts to guard the medication.  We recommend a locked safe area.

According to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), ADA as Amended (ADAAA) of 2008, and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, accommodations are “academic adjustments that ensure the student equal access to the course material and assist the student in demonstrating his/her knowledge.”  Examples of academic accommodations for a student with ADHD could be extended time for exams, a note-taker in class, or a reduced distraction area to take an exam.

To receive an accommodation, the student with a qualified diagnosis must provide documentation from a licensed professional that supports the need for an academic adjustment. Meeting with the Student Accessibility and Testing adviser and discussing the academic barriers the student experiences, as a result of the ADHD diagnosis, can help determine which reasonable and appropriate accommodation will best meet the student’s need.

For more information about how to register with Student Access, visit Student Accessibility and Testing

There are a variety of services on campus to assist all students with their adjustment to college and attainment of academic success.  The first line of defense for most students is their academic advisor who can help with course selection and referral to specific help sources.  Student Well-Being meets with students individually and in group settings to develop greater self-awareness and develop skills to support individual success and well-being.  Specifically, SWB offers an ADHD support group each week to tackle challenges such as procrastination, organization, relationship building, and self-regulation.

Other sources of help include the Student Success Center, Math Help, Learning Enhancement Across Disciplines (LEAD) sessions, the Writing Center, and the Testing Center.  Additionally, the Office of Undergraduate Studies offers advising and skill building sessions to help with the ongoing adjustment to college life.

Please be aware that unlike your secondary education, which may have included an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or specialized teachers, you will have to actively seek out assistance and resources for ADHD-related problems.

By definition, ADHD is a chronic condition and symptoms must be present before age 7 (DSM-IV).  Adult-onset symptoms can occur, but this is much less frequent.Please cotact SHS to discuss your concerns and if you qualify for further evaluations.

There are NO services on campus for the diagnosis of ADHD.  We have developed regional referral sources that can complete an assessment.  See Assessment of ADHD tab. SHS can assist with medication treatment on an individual basis. Contact Student Health for a consultation.

These medications have quickly developed a reputation as ‘academic steroids’ and there is a high abuse rate on campuses.  Proper, accurate diagnosis is a time consuming, detailed process; there is no valid ‘quickie’ diagnostic process.  Moreover, stimulant medications must be taken as prescribed from a competent provider.  Misuse can lead to addiction and legal consequences.

These medications have quickly developed a reputation as ‘academic steroids’ and there is a high abuse rate on campuses.  Proper, accurate diagnosis is a time consuming, detailed process; there is no valid ‘quickie’ diagnostic process.  Moreover, stimulant medications must be taken as prescribed from a competent provider.  Misuse can lead to addiction and legal consequences.

These medications have quickly developed a reputation as ‘academic steroids’ and there is a high abuse rate on campuses.  Proper, accurate diagnosis is a time consuming, detailed process; there is no valid ‘quickie’ diagnostic process.  Moreover, stimulant medications must be taken as prescribed from a competent provider.  Misuse can lead to addiction and legal consequences.